Gerindra Provides Education About the Importance of Social Media to Mothers

Prabowo Subianto. Presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto claimed to be moved and proud of the awareness of women or mothers who want to fight and sacrifice to win him and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election.

According to him, these conditions are very rare. Because, while the condition of the nation's economy is on the decline, there is awareness of the mothers or mothers to be literate and aware of the current political conditions by struggling to maintain their families' lives to prosper.

"I am very proud and moved, when the fathers work for a living but cannot fulfill their household needs and their young people find it hard to find work, now a movement has emerged from mothers, mothers to think about the economic condition of their families to achieve welfare by struggling to win me and Sandiaga Uno's brother in the upcoming 2019 Election, "Prabowo said.

This was revealed by Prabowo when giving directions to hundreds of thousands of volunteers in Prabowo-Sandi throughout Indonesia during the Basic Training of Public Journalism from the Department of Public Journalism of the Gerindra Party DPP, in the Hambalang Amphitheater, Bojong Koneng Village, Bogor Regency, West Java, Saturday (20 / 10/2018).

On the basis of the spirit of change in the movement by these women, Prabowo entrusted Indonesia to achieve prosperity and justice to the mother-mother to fight and choose the best leader in the upcoming 2019 Election. He also emphasized to the mothers and mothers to make themselves with Sandiaga Uno as a means to achieve prosperity and justice for all the people of Indonesia.

"I entrust Indonesia and the welfare of our children and grandchildren on the shoulders of my mother. "Make me and Pak Sandi a tool to create a prosperous and prosperous Indonesia for the children and grandchildren of all mothers," said Prabowo, who was immediately greeted by thunderous applause from the participants.

On the other hand, Deputy Secretary General of the Gerindra Party DPP Sudaryono who opened the event also expressed his appreciation to Indonesian women who want and are willing to share their time between taking care of their household needs by participating in politics winning the pair Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno in the upcoming 2019 Election. Moreover, the presence of the mother of volunteers Prabowo-Sandi at the event came from personal costs and self-awareness amid the situation of her family's economic condition that could be said to be mediocre.

"Once again, I appreciate the spirit of the mother of all who are willing to share their time between taking care of household needs by going directly to politics and winning the Prabowo-Sandi pair. I was very moved because Mother was here at my own expense and self-awareness. That is something that is very, very proud and touching for all of us, "said Sudaryono.

According to him, in the midst of the current difficult economic situation, the mothers were present with an idealism for the sake of a better Indonesia and for their better lives. In fact, they also sacrificed time and sacrificed energy, and sacrificed their attention to their families to arrive at this place from their far away places just to attend training and listen to directions from the candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto.

"Because if Mother is already moving, it can change the state of this nation. "Hopefully, all of our struggles, the struggle of the mothers, the Ma'am, have received blessings from Allah SWT, the Almighty God for Indonesia is better for the family welfare of all mothers," he said.

Public Journalism Training

In addition to getting direct referrals from Presidential Candidates for serial number 02 Prabowo Subianto, and Wasekjen DPP Gerindra Party Sudaryono, hundreds of mother of volunteers Prabowo-Sandi representatives from all over Indonesia also received training in public journalism.

Head of the Gerindra Party DPP Public Journalism Department, Hazmi Srondol, explained that the training of public journalism for the mothers of Prabowo-Sandi volunteers was aimed at training their writing skills to be more positive.

"The purpose of this public journalism training is to make all the mothers improve their writing skills to be more positive. From the status updates on Facebook or other social media with family problems it is better to write with things that are more useful and positive, "Srondol said at the Hambalang Amphitheater, Bojong Koneng Village, Bogor Regency, West Java, on Sunday (10/21). 2018).

According to Srondol, many mothers or mothers today do not only take care of their household needs but they can pour out their ideas and thoughts into a paper that is useful for the Indonesian people. In fact, there are also many women who write novels to channel their positive talents.

"So it's not your age nowm the mother or mother who only takes care of the kitchen, but they can write novels or stories that are far more useful for the public and can get additional income from their writing activities, "said Srondol.

In addition to training the mothers to write, Srondol explained that this training was also to read and understand the political conditions of this nation from untrue news aka hoaxes that often circulate in the community.

"We also provide understanding to our female cadres to be able to understand all forms of information circulating in the community. So, we can find out which information is hoax and which is correct. That way we become smarter and wiser in responding to all forms of information circulating in the community, "he said.


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